Tuesday, July 19, 2005

The unpleasant side of dog ownership...

We all know how nice and friendly dogs can be, but we sometimes forget that they're another species that we've adapted to fit in with our lifestyle. We often forget the primal instincts that dogs have, especially when it comes to survival.

We play with Lupus every day, with a combination of soft fluffy toys that he enjoys chasing, tossing around and chewing. Unfortuately, when he meets a small, fluffy animal that makes similar squeeking noises he doesn't realise that it's a real animal.

A birds nest fell in to the garden at the weekend, leaving three Starling chicks in the garden. The first I realised was when the noise caught my ear, and I looked out and saw the parent birds frantically trying to protect their young from a maniac Husky in full-on 'play mode'. I eventually managed to get the chick out of his mouth, but it was beyond recovery and had to be 'put down' in as humane a manner possible. I found another chick in the same condition, which also had to be put out of its misery, but I managed to rescue a third chick and put it out of harms way.

I won't make any jokes about 'killing two birds with...' as it's not something I enjoyed doing. It certainly livened up what would otherwise have been a rather dull afternoon looking at website code, and made me learn something new about life with a Husky.

So, beneath that lovely cuddly 'wouldn't hurt a fly' exterior there's a wild animal with hunting instincts that date back thousands of years... so it's hardly a surprise that the few years (in comparison) that dogs have been living side by side with Man haven't removed this essential element of their character. This is perhaps something that more people should remember more often, but I wouldn't change it for anything.


Blogger Unknown said...

It is really disturbing seeing your "little angel" torturing a bird. My humans were also quite annoyed when I got the first bird in the garden - and it was one of their favourite kind: a
(Rufous-bellied Thrush, in English).
They were upset with me at first, but later they also understood that I did not do that because I was 'bad', but just because I am a dog.
Kind licks from Raisa!

7:43 pm  
Blogger IndyPindy said...

That is difficult. On Christmas Eve a baby Cockatiel got loose and flew right at me and I grabbed it! My mom started screaming "DROP IT! DROOOOP IT!" and bonked me on the head! I dropped it.

It was okay. A store employee told us a few weeks ago that the birdie is fine and is in a home now. I only let it go because I didn't want to upset my mom.

2:42 am  

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